
Europe Daily News, 20 September 2023 | Perspectives & Events –


  • Commission clears acquisition of BAM by Reliance, Brookfield and Digital Realty (M.11250) – Midday Express
  • Italy – ICA: the AGCM investigates Ryanair for an alleged abuse of dominant position
  • Lithuania – Competition Council denies TV3 shareholder’s takeover of Lithuania’s Shareholders takeover of Lithuania’s largst radio station group
  • UK – The CMA has accepted undertakings in lieu of reference to Phase 2 investigation offered by Medivet Group Limited (Medivet)


  • Tax rulings: the tax exemptions granted by Belgium to companies forming part of multinational groups constitute an unlawful aid scheme (See CPR Nº 143/2023 – Judgment of the General Court in Case T-131/16, RENV Belgium Vs. Commission)


  • Joint Report – 17th meeting of the EU-Uzbekistan Sub-committee on Economic, Trade and Investment Relations under the EU-Uzbekistan PCA – 27 June 2023
  • Commission Implementing Regulation(EU) /… amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/73 of 17 January 2019 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of electric bicycles originating in the People’s Republic of China
  • Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Association Council established by the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part, with regard to the amendment of Annex XXII of the Association Agreement – See the Annex
  • Draft opinion Security and defence implications of China’s influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union –  Amendments 1-65 
  • The cumulative effect of due diligence EU legislation on SMEs – Study for the EP INTA Committee 
  • Answer given by EVP Dombrovskis to a MEP written question – PRC export controls on gallium and germanium
  • US: Economic indicators and trade with EU – See EP Briefing
  • EU-Mercosur FTA: Mercosur’s response to the EU joint instrument (Sep 2023) –
  • Guidance – The UK trade remedies investigations process
  • WTO – Members consider Argentina’s request for panel on US tube and pipe duties
  • U.S. businesses get federal help in fighting EU packaging rules –


  • Agenda for: Working Party on Competitiveness & Growth and Working Party on Technical Harmonisation – 28 September 2023
  • The EU pharmaceutical legislation from an industrial and competitiveness perspective – Information from the Austrian and German delegations


  • Last call – have your say on the proposal to restrict PFAS until 25 September


  • Speech by President Charles Michel at the High-level event “Towards a Fair International Financial Architecture”



  • Uber warns of threat to drivers in ‘hundreds’ of cities under EU gig work plan – Prices paid by consumers would also rise if Brussels enacts Platform Work Directive, says Uber’s European chief – Financial Times


  • Speech by President von der Leyen at the ‘European Farmers’ Deal: EPP Vision for Agriculture in Europe’ in the European Parliament


  • Directive (EU) 2023/1791 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2023 on energy efficiency and amending Regulation (EU) 2023/955
  • Answer given by VP Šefčovič to a written question – Conflict of interest between AggregateEU tender process and Energy Platform’s Industry Advisory Group
  • Answer given by Ms Simson to a MEP written question – Phasing out fossil gas by 2040


  • Agenda for: 19th meeting of IED Article 75 Committee meeting – 21 September 2023
  • Agenda for: Meeting of the Standing Committee on Biocidal Products – 27 September 2023
  • Agenda for: Working Party on International Environment Issues (Biosafety) – 02 October 2023
  • Agenda for: Meeting of the Committee established under Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer – 26th September 2023
  • Commission welcomes the provisional agreement on new rules to empower consumers for ecological transition – see the EP Statement – Midday Express
  • Three countries to receive nearly €455 million in EU aid after natural disasters – see the EP Statement


  • Flash report – PHEG Network of Expertise on Long COVID (18 September 2023)
  • EFSA – Harmonised approach for reporting reliability and relevance of genotoxicity studies
  • Commission Decision establishing the EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and for reusable menstrual cups
  • From Theory to Practice: Implementing the EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation – Stakeholder event – Seville – 22 November 2023 (Registration and contact)
  • SCHEER – Minutes of the WG meeting on the update of the guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices of 28/08/2023
  • Glyphosate should be allowed in farming for another 10 years, Brussels says – EU countries are expected to discuss the Commission’s proposal on Friday, followed by a vote on October 13 – (see the Draft Commission Implementing Regulation and Draft Renewal report)
  • Answer given by Ms Kyriakides to a MEP written question – Clarification on the maximum levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids


  • Commission Implementing Decision EU 2023/1795 of 10 July 2023 pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequate level of protection of personal data under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework
  • International cooperation in data protection: not an option, but vital to our tasks – Read Blogpost by EDPS Secretary-General Leonardo Cervera Navas
  • Cyber-attacks: the apex of crime-as-a-service (IOCTA 2023) – See Europol Report


  • Minutes of the Committee on Road Transport – 26 September 2023
  • Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport – Outcome of the EP’s first reading (Strasbourg, 11 to 14 September 2023)


  • Commissioner Reynders visits Germany and Denmark to discuss the rule of law and consumer protection – Midday Express
  • Commissioner Johansson hosts the first meeting of the EU network against corruption – Midday Express
  • Free movement: Schengen reform to ensure border controls only as a last resort – see the Report
  • Ombudsman asks Commission about respect for fundamental rights in EU agreement with Tunisia


  • MEPs argue for a top up to multi-annual budget for crisis response
  • Fiscal policy in times of crises – An analysis of EMU Constitutional Framework – see EPRS Study
  • ECB’s Fabio Panetta: Investing in tomorrow: Future-proofing fiscal policies and governance in Europe
  • Bonds at a premium: the impact of insurers on corporate bond issuers – ECB Research Bulletin No.110


  • Spanish Presidency debriefs EP committees on priorities


  • EU releases €140 million to support the Afghan people, in particular women and girls – IP/23/4524
  • Answer given by Mr Várhelyi to a MEP written question – Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and Tunisia
  • EU-Ukraine 2035: Strategic foresight analysis on the future of the EU and Ukraine – see EPRS Study


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