
The divine feminine

Our sages described the Supreme as Brahmn, Truth, Consciousness, Bliss and All-Pervading. But when the human mind couldn’t grasp it fully, they presented the Supreme in the form of a mother.

This perspective brought a new understanding, a fresh way to look at the divine. It is from here that the tradition of Durga worship originated. The rishis said that the force from which this entire creation was born is undoubtedly feminine, and that force is surely a mother.

‘Namo Devyai Mahadevyai Shivayai Satatam Namah’ – O   Goddess! You are the embodiment of Shiv, universal consciousness. Without consciousness, the mind cannot think or function properly. Just as a light bulb glows because of electricity, or a fan and cooler work due to electric power, in the same way, the consciousness that enables our intellect, mind, and senses to operate is what we call Shiv.

That is why the Goddess is called Shiv’s embodiment. This entire visible universe – the flowers, stars and beautiful sights – are all manifestations of the Goddess.

The Divine Mother has cradled us in Her womb. The entire creation is developing within Her. We can say that the mother has always been caring for us. However, people think that the Goddess resides in the temple and Her darshan is granted at a certain, auspicious time.


That is Her form in the temple, but the Goddess is also formless, without any shape or boundaries. She does not reside in just one temple, shrine or sacred place – she is everywhere.


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